5 things visual conversations and the Divergent series have in common

Okay, I’ll admit it. I dig dystopian and post-apocalyptic young-adult sci-fi movies like The Hunger Games and the Divergent series. So of course when Insurgent came out, I took a few moments to myself to go see it.

Time to myself gives me time to think, jumping from one train of thought to another like Tris and Christina when they first joined their faction. . . and that’s when I began to discover some connections between the Divergent series and visual conversations! Want to see what I mean? Let’s get dauntless!

Jump #1: Things aren’t always what they seem. In the Divergent series, you get tested at a certain age to see which faction you will go into. As you go under in the “sim” test, you begin to see things…and it’s all about your perception of those visuals and how you react that tell which faction is best for you. In visual conversations it’s no different. We all interpret and react to visuals differently. By realizing that perception plays a large role in how we react to the world, and relationships, the more we see the need to get clarification and make sure everyone is on the same page. Oh, and different perceptions are important: they often provide new insights and new ideas, so don’t go trying to stick everyone is one faction, or you might end up with a rebellion on your hands!

Jump #2: You have to practice to get good. Just because you tested into a faction, doesn’t mean you get to stay in that faction. You have to prove that you belong and can tackle the challenges that come your way. Visual conversations are no different. Just because you can draw something, or have read my book Draw Forth, doesn’t make you an eternal expert in visual conversations: you have to practice and show everyone–including yourself–that you can do it. (I promise it’s nowhere as difficult as the Dauntless tests, though! And a lot more fun.)

Jump #3: You always have a choice. Even if you test into a faction, you have a choice of where you go; the same goes for having visual conversations. You have a choice to listen to those around you, you have a choice to pick up your pen and start to draw, you have a choice to fight back the monotony of a boring meeting by making it more visual, you ALWAYS have a choice. Now it’s not like in Divergent where if you make the wrong choice you get cast out of society with no home and no livelihood, so go ahead and take the risk! Exercise your choice and try it out! Pick up that pen and start a visual conversation.

Jump #4: Someone usually wants to rule. You might notice a trend in movies, where there is always someone trying to rise up and take over the world. Even when it has good (but mislead) intentions behind it, it leaves everyone else feeling left out and unheard. Visual conversations are a bit like Tris, boldly standing up to help make others voices heard. Ok, maybe it’s not that dramatic, but practicing visual conversations does help bring everyone together, and absolutely helps everyone feel valued and heard!

Jump #5: You don’t always have to accept the way things are. We get used to our day-to-day rituals, and we often accept them without thinking twice. You get chosen for a faction, you start following their rules and that’s just the way things are, unless you are Tris of course. Questioning the way things work is an important part of making things better. And I personally believe that adding in more visual conversation to your life makes things better. . . plus it makes the questions visible. (As an added bonus, you can proudly wear “ink” just like Tris does. . . only yours will most likely be marker ink on your hands! It’s a visual conversationalist’s badge of honor!)

Oh and did you notice that when Tris speaks out, works towards change, brings people together, and lets herself shine that something else happens? She draws forth the best in herself and those around her. . . and THAT helps her win the day!

So go ahead. Be divergent. Be INSURGENT! Pick up the pen and draw out ideas, even if you think you aren’t supposed to or work in a place where you think it’s not appropriate. Make the jump and allow yourself to truly be YOU.

I cannot wait to see what you draw forth!

P.S. Want to see which faction you belong to in the Divergent universe? Click here to take the http://divergentthemovie.com/aptitudetest. (I’m divergent, how about you?)

About Jeannel

- INFJ - Strategic | Activator | Connectedness | Relator | Intellection - Scorpio - Cat Person - Movie Buff - Modern-Day Johnny Appleseed - Creative who Specializes in Organizational Culture Change - Painfully Aware of Her White Privilege

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