The number one cause of holiday stress isn’t the kids or the in-laws. It isn’t the shopping or malls. It isn’t the crowds or crazy drivers out on the road. And it certainly isn’t the ever-collapsing window of time to get everything done.
No, the number one cause of holiday stress is the six inches of space between our ears. Period.
Our holiday stress is all in our minds. . . and it’s a choice. Our choice.
It’s OUR choice to create the best holiday EVER on too little time and too small a budget.
It’s OUR choice to have to have to have the holidays a certain way or otherwise they’re ruined.
It’s OUR choice to be a raging stress monster when the right gift just sold out before we could buy one.
And it’s OUR choice to act like a jerk when we’re upset, stressing others out along the way.
So what’s the best way to beat holiday stress?
Choose to give it up.
The world we experience is in our mind, in that six-inch space between our ears. To change our world, we simply change our mindset towards it.
This holiday season, let’s be mindful of this.
Let’s choose to be kind to ourselves and others.
Let’s choose to set reasonable expectations for ourselves and others.
Let’s choose to be gracious when others experience challenges that affect us.
Let’s choose to enjoy each-others’ company and give of our hearts instead of our expectations. . . or obligations.
This holiday season, let’s choose to take a breath, let go of whatever our minds make up about how the holidays “have” to be, and be kind. Kind to ourselves and each other.
This holiday season, may we open our hearts and minds so we may receive the best presents of all: the presence of those we are with and those we love.
After all, isn’t that what the holidays are really all about?
I cannot wait to see what you draw forth!