April 8th is “Draw A Picture of a Bird Day” in the annals of daily holidays.
It’s always April 8th, although nobody seems to know who started this holiday. (My friend, Melissa, might say that this day was started by evil birds conspiring to strafe her head in public spaces… she’s a bird magnet, and not in a good way. I’ve seen it myself.)
Here’s what HolidayInsights.com says about the day:
Draw a Picture of a Bird Day is a special day for young bird lovers who like to draw. It doesn’t matter whether you are young, or not so young. If you like to draw, then today is a day to draw pictures of a bird or two, or three, or… … .
Ready boys and girls? Grab some crayons. Now, open up your curtains and look for some birds. Once you spot a nice one, start drawing. Make sure to autograph your picture. You never know, your work may one day become famous!
So here’s your excuse to pick up the pen and play with drawing something! In honor of today, draw a picture of a bird. Doesn’t matter what kind of bird, doesn’t matter how it turns out! The easiest bird in the world to draw is to do a soft, loopy “m” – voila! You’ve got a gull! Draw more and you’ve got a flock of seagulls! (Ah, the ‘80s… ) Mine started as a big heart for the body, then I drew a head on top and some streamers for a tail!
What did you end up drawing? Post your link in the comments section and lets have fun!
(And Melissa, just in case you read this and think “there’s no way I’m going to draw a bird”… consider this interpretation by Picasso. Your drawing could serve as a warning to other birds… rawr!)
Pick Up The Pen and Take Flight

Finally …. a minor holiday that Hallmark didn’t create! Must have been John Audubon’s doing.
Hi Jeannel,
As always you inspire me. It may be a day late, but here is a link to the quick sketch of one of the cardinals I feed at the bird feeder outside my window in Maryland. http://pinterest.com/pin/389772542720259184/.
Eydie, it’s beautiful! I wish WE had cardinals outside my window here in San Diego! :^) Thank you for sharing your drawing!