Okay, that’s a stretch.
But a fair share of the world’s influential ideas were born in bars. And I don’t think it’s all about the alcohol.
Rather, it’s about the napkin. (The napkin that came with the alcohol.)
Did you know that Reaganomics started as a drawing on the back of a cocktail napkin?
That Southwest Airlines started as a route sketch on the back of a cocktail napkin?
I didn’t either, until I spent last week training with Dan Roam. Dan is the author of “The Back of the Napkin” and “Unfolding the Napkin.” (He’s also one of my heroes.) His thing is problem-solving using pictures. It’s my thing, too.
I invite you to visit my “Back of the Napkin” conference gallery, where I’ve posted some of my visual notes from his training. Check it out!
And if you’re intrigued at the power of pictures for solving problems, check out Dan Roam’s site!
All the best ideas happen in bars