When I was a little kid, I believed that the universe was super-friendly. The world was a pretty awesome place, in fact.
Then I got older, and the universe stopped being so friendly. Actually, as I moved from my teens to my early 20’s, the universe seemed to get downright hostile!
Thank goodness I became a little kid again… because the universe and I are back to being best friends!
And I think it all comes down to how you choose to see your world:
“The most important decision we make is whether we believe we live in a friendly or hostile universe.” – Albert Einstein
I’ve made my choice. What have you decided so far? And why? Let’s discuss in the comments below!
I cannot wait to see what you draw forth,

My trajectory was somewhat different…so much of our initial emotional wiring comes from our family environment! (And possibly even earlier, from our uterine environment) My childhood experience was that MOST of the universe around me, including much of my family environment, was hostile. It took many years of not just thinking positively, but having positive experiences, to shift that view. Now I mostly think of the universe as mindblowingly amazingly wonderful, but neither friendly NOR hostile – it doesn’t really give a fig about us as individuals.