Draw Forth: a book for visual conversationalists-to-be

For a while now, people have been asking what my book is about. And I’ve been kind of scared to actually say it out loud. It’s a labor of love about something I’m so passionate about, and I’ve been wanting to get things just right for you before I answered the question.
But it’s time for me to start talking about it. ;^)

The Hunger

There’s a real hunger in folks to be able to bring more creativity, collaboration, and connection to their work. Across countless projects with countless teams, I’ve found that people want to do good work and make an impact. To put a positive “ding” in their Universe (to paraphrase Steve Jobs.) To feel good about what they do in the world and how they show up to do it.
Do you feel it?
I do. And at the end of the day, this it’s crystlized my real work: to help others show up more fully in their work and lives, so that they may put that positive “ding” in their Universe.
Here’s the thing: “meetings” don’t achieve this kind of result. Visual conversations do.

  • What could be possible if instead of communicating “at” each other, we communicated “with” each other?


  • What if instead of sitting through another meeting in silence, then holding the “real” meeting afterwards in the parking lot or bathroom, we actually showed up and spoke up at the table?


  • What if what we knew what we contributed was seen and heard during these conversations, because we could see it on the page?


  • What if we could create an environment that fostered creativity, communication, ease in conversation, and just enough structure for ideas to transform into actionable plans your team owned and wanted to implement?


  • What if you could bring more of your full self to your work and life, instead of checking a part of yourself at the door when you go to work?

[highlights color=”ffea00″]What if YOU could draw forth such visual conversations with your team?[/highlights]
Multi-Ethnic Group of People Planning Ideas

Draw Forth: a book for visual conversationalists-to-be

My book, Draw Forth: The Stick Figure Strategist’s Guide to Hosting Your Own Visual Conversations, will give you the tools, knowledge, and confidence for you to draw out ideas while drawing forth the best in your team. Build the skills you can use right from your current chair or role.
You’ll have the keys to ensure:

  • No more miscommunications and frustrations


  • No more petty power plays and private agendas


  • No more silos and segregations


  • No more meetings from hell for projects you’d rather avoid

Just real communication. Honest conversation. Visual clarity, and visual results. (Without having to be a full-on artist or a professional facilitator!)

The world needs more visual conversationalists. Will you pick up the pen (book!) and be one?

Draw Forth went live on Amazon on November 28, 2014. And the time between writing this original post and that release date was the longest and the fastest time in my life, let me tell you! We were busy finishing up text edits, finalizing the cover design, creating the illustrations, and all the fun stuff that goes into creating a book.
Now that the book’s out in the world, please drop me a line and let me know what you think of it! What did you get out of it? What surprised or intrigued you? I’d love to hear what you think.
As always, I cannot wait to see what you draw forth!

About Jeannel

- INFJ - Strategic | Activator | Connectedness | Relator | Intellection - Scorpio - Cat Person - Movie Buff - Modern-Day Johnny Appleseed - Creative who Specializes in Organizational Culture Change - Painfully Aware of Her White Privilege


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