[blockquote source=”William Bernbach”]Today’s smartest advertising style is tomorrow’s corn.[/blockquote]
It’s interesting how often corn comes up in my graphic recordings for community conversations and strategic planning sessions alike. Communities are concerned about the type and quality of food available to their children and citizens, and GMO foods will pop up more often than not. In the corporate sector, we talk about planting seeds for the next generation of products and services, how long they will take to grow or develop, and how to harvest those insights to use as seed ideas for the next iteration.
Yep, corn. It’s not just what we eat…it’s also how we think.
So the next time you need to represent a genetically modified organism (GMO) in a conversation, or you want to represent the cultivation of a product or service as a harvest cycle, then try drawing some corn of your own! Here’s how:
How to draw a Good Enough corn on the cob
Three Tips

What does YOUR corn on the cob look like? Draw yours up, Tweet it out to @jeannelking #goodenough, and share a kernel of insight or two!
Looking forward to seeing what you draw forth!
P.S. Want to have fun drawing AND inspire others to pick up the pen at the same time? Got something you wish you could draw, but you’re not sure how to approach it? [highlights color=”ffea00″]Tweet your drawing or idea to @jeannelking and tag it with #goodenough: it could be featured in an upcoming “how to draw Good Enough” blog post![/highlights]