Q: My childbirth instructor says it’s not pain I’ll feel during labor, but pressure. Is she right?
A: ~Yes, in the same way that a tornado might be called an air current.
There’s a moment when delivering a child when one thought becomes crystal clear: this baby wants to come out NOW.
Suddenly, every fiber of your being wants you to bear down and push. The pressure’s indescribable.
And then some nurse pops up with a smile and says “honey, don’t push just yet,” and it takes everything you’ve got not to smack her in the head because what she just said was ridiculous and this baby is coming NOW! Now! Whether you want it to or not! It’s happening, and your sole purpose in life has magically transformed into one thing:
Get this baby OUT! Now!
All the pieces of my book are coming together in one deliciously terrible moment. Layout and proofing and test printing and final decisions. Illustrations, placement, and ISBNs. Everything has to come to a head at the same time, and the work has shifted from trying to get everything ready to trying to get out of the way so this baby can do what it needs to do to come into the world.
We’re deep into book labor now, and every fiber in my body is feeling this intense and overwhelming pressure to push.
It’s wonderful, because this book is really happening…it’s actually going to get done! Very soon, it’s going to be alive in the world and people will be able to see it, hold it, read it, enjoy it.
It’s terrible because it now has a life of its own and it’s demanding to be set free. And frankly, I’m a bit scared about what it’s going to demand from me to complete this final push and bring this book into the world. It is SO close. And just like millions of women and authors before me, there’s a voice deep inside that whispers this fear:
“Will I survive?”
My rational brain knows that the answer is “yes.” Of course I’ll survive this.” Heck, just last night when I was speaking at Hera Talks Salon, I was talking about writing another book after this one. And I actually wanted to!
But at the same time, I know that this final push to complete this book is going to demand everything I’ve got for a very short and intense period of time. I can’t help but wonder if there will be anything left of me afterwards.
It sounds so silly, but it’s true.
No tips this week. Only the pressure to push.
I cannot wait to see what I draw forth! ;^D