“Patience is not simply the ability to wait – it’s how we behave while we’re waiting.” -Joyce Meyer
At this point, everything I can do for my book is done. Everything that needed to be written, drawn, edited, deleted, moved, restructured, referenced, noted . . . you name it: it’s done.
The only way I know this for sure is because the intense pressure and strain of finishing my book is finally gone. In three intense days of final pushing and work, I knit everything together and uploaded it for my designers. And at 4:16pm on September 29th, my baby was out and independent of me.
Now I feel like I’m in a hospital bed recovering after delivery, while the doctors clean and check my baby: making sure that she has ten fingers, ten toes, and working parts all-around.
Only instead of doctors, it’s my awesome Design Good Studio team. These amazing gals are polishing by book’s design and layout, getting all the final text and illustrations in their proper places, checking final details one last time, and preparing a PDF to use for printing the galley proof.
The printed galley copy will be our opportunity to do one last review, catching all those things on the actual page that we may have missed in the digital file reviews. We’ll clean things up, put together the final PDF for printing, upload it to the publishing platform, and then that’s it: Draw Forth will be live and in the world.
The only thing left for me to do at this point is wait with quiet, dignity and grace.
(It may be time for another massage!)
I cannot wait to see what you draw forth,