Five little words to help you reach as high as you can

"Yes! Thank you! More Please" doodle by Jeannel King

April 14th is Reach as High as You Can Day…that day to go for the thing you’ve been wanting, but felt was just out of reach. Perhaps it’s a new project, job, or even career! Perhaps it’s asking that special someone out on a date. Or perhaps it’s launching that business idea that hasn’t left you alone for the last year and a half.
If you reach as high as you can for that prize, you might just win it! But if you don’t extend beyond your comfort zone, those prizes may forever float just beyond your grasp.

Needing a Boost

I believe that the Universe actually conspires to help us reach the things we seek to accomplish. I also believe that sometimes I am fantastic at blocking my own reach…typically because I’m just a wee bit afraid of having so much goodness come my way. So I allow my own fears to stop me from reaching as high as I can toward my goals.
And man, does that piss me off when I catch myself saying “no” to – or being afraid of – the good things showing up in my Life and Work!
Sometimes my reach (and my courage) needs a little boost.

Five Little Words to Boost Your Reach

I have a mantra for when good things happen that kind of scare and overwhelm me:
“Yes! Thank you! More please!”
Here’s my theory:
The Universe gives us as much as we are willing to receive, and we become as big and as great as we are willing to become. Being the imperfect beings that we are, It can also be easy to slip into a fearful mindset when something good pushes us out of our comfort zones. (Well, it does for me, at least!)
So when the Universe sends me more moments to shine, more new clients, more opportunities that I know are good but bring up that little whisp of fear in the back of my head and the pit of my stomach, I take a deep breath, turn to the Universe, and say (with as much enthusiasm as I can muster):

“Yes! Thank you! More please!”



I say yes to the opportunity being presented. There’s tremendous power in declaring “yes” to something in your life…especially in a world with so many “no”s, “maybe”s, and other ways to hedge our bets. A strong and declarative “YES” validates the opportunity. It focuses it. It makes it real.


Gratitude is a powerful force in our world. When we express gratitude for the opportunities that come our way, it validates the giver and the gift. It also allows us to give our own gift – the gift of thanks – to the one giving so much to us.


I don’t want the universe to think that I’m ungrateful or paying lip service to what I say I want in my life. So when the Big U sends good stuff my way or puts great things in my path, I choose to reinforce it. Even if the gifts are scary to me – ESPECIALLY when the gifts are scary and push me out of my comfort zone – I request “more please” to keep the flow open and to help me grow beyond where I currently am.
Because when I grow beyond where I currently am, I am able to reach higher than I previously thought possible. My “Yes! Thank You! More Please” mantra helps me to reach higher more often, and puts amazing things within my grasp.
May they do the same for you!
Big hug,

About Jeannel

- INFJ - Strategic | Activator | Connectedness | Relator | Intellection - Scorpio - Cat Person - Movie Buff - Modern-Day Johnny Appleseed - Creative who Specializes in Organizational Culture Change - Painfully Aware of Her White Privilege


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