“And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.” -Anais Nin
I have always felt like what I say I do is too small. “I draw meetings in real-time.” “I’m a graphic facilitator.” “I’m a lumberjack and I’m okay.”
And I’ve struggled against this for a while now. Like I’ve been keeping myself in a pot that is too small for the size of my plant, but I’m doing it to myself through my words.
Every once in a while, I’d let my bigness sneak out. I’ve known about it all along, but I’ve never really overtly spoken about it with you. Instead, I’d play this subterfuge game, where I’d share something with you that was easy and fun, but the real reason I’d do it was because of something deeper.
It’s been a real “come for the food, stay for the pie” sort of experience.
Like my ebook. On its surface, it’s about exactly what it’s called: what you draw is Good Enough. But what it’s really up to is one sentence in the middle of that book:
What you draw is good enough, because who you ARE is Good Enough.
Then there’s my book-book. It’s called Draw Forth for a reason. Sure, on the surface it’s about how to host visual conversations and how to draw out ideas. But what it’s really up to is something deeper:
Drawing forth the best in ourselves. . . and each other.
You see, the way we show up is the way everyone around us gets to show up. So when we host ourselves and bring more of our authentic selves to all that we do, then we give others permission to do the same. And when more of us bring more of our authentic selves to our lives, great things become possible.
I’ve been living this unspoken message in each and every one of my projects since the day I started my business. Whether I have been creating graphic recordings of your conference sessions, or designing World Cafe conversations for your students, or facilitating the discovery of your team’s identity and values. . . heck, even if I’ve been translating your sales pitch into an engaging visual to share with your client, I’ve really been up to the same thing:
Drawing out the best in the group, so more people can show up more authentically and put a positive “ding” in the universe.
I cant help it: it’s just how I roll. Except I’ve never really told you this.
Instead, I’d wrap what I was up to inside of a drawing wrapper, a graphic facilitation wrapper. Inside that wrapper, I’ve always hoped you’d find transformation to some small degree.
Transformation in the way you worked.
Transformation in the way you lived.
Transformation in the way you showed up.
Transformation in what you thought was possible. . . for others and for yourself.
I’ve seen it happen, too. I’ve seen you pick up the pen and play with drawing out ideas. I’ve seen you extend that joy in creating to others on your team. I’ve seen you start the shift the way you’ve been thinking about what “business as usual” really needs to be for you. . . at the office and at home.
And the more I’ve seen you embrace your gifts, the more uncomfortable I’ve become with my own subterfuge.
Because if I truly believe that the way we show up is the way others around us get to show up, then perhaps it’s time for me to stop with the pretense and start showing up more fully myself.
I’m struggling to find the right word to describe this. Like a “word for the year,” I mean. “Transformation” doesn’t quite cut it, nor does “evolution,” because this core aspect has been there all along: I’m just making it more visible, wrapping it less.
At the center of my business’ mandala for the year is my “why”: why am I showing up this way, this year? Because authenticity needs no wrapper.
Because it’s time for me to reveal more of what’s inside and behind what I do.
I’d say that my word for the year is “revelations,” except that makes me sound a bit too biblical. . . and perhaps a wee bit pretentious, like I’m this angel descending down from the heavens to announce revelations to the world.
Yeah, I’m not that. Not by any stretch of the imagination.
I’m simply transitioning from “the girl who draws” to “the woman who draws forth.”
I think I’m sharing this with you for a couple of reasons:
1. I’m a big fan of transparency and shared learning. Making my own experiences visible keeps me honest, and hopefully it helps others who might be going through the same thing, and
2. I’m guessing that you might actually be going through this same thing right about now.
So many people have talked with me about how they felt like 2014 was their year to “get ready,” and that this was the year where it was time for them to make the transition from the “old” to the “new.” New job, new lifestyle, new way of showing up in the world: whatever it is, this is the year where our rubber hits the road. This is the year where the transformation–the REVELATION–happens. This is the year where we reveal more of ourselves to the world.
What does this mean in terms of what you can expect from me?
Good question! And honestly, I can’t say that I’ve got all those answers worked out just yet. After all, this journey is a revelation to me just as much as it is to you. That said, here are a few things you can expect from me over the coming year:
Some changes to my blogging. I’m shifting my posts to once a week, and I’m bringing more diversity into the themes for my blog, including personal stories and reflections, research and real-world applications, tools and “how-to” posts, and more guest blog posts from folks like you who are drawing out ideas while drawing forth the best in others.
More opportunities to speak and connect. In the past, my work has kept me so busy that I haven’t been able to offer or take advantage of that many opportunities to host workshops or speak at events. This changed on January 4th when I launched my first “Draw Fourth” Google Hangout On Air session. Every(ish) 4th of the month, I’ll host an On Air session with a different theme, where we can explore what we are drawing forth in our own work and lives. I hope you can join us! I will also be saying “yes” to more public speaking and conference engagements, and welcome your invitations!
Creation of an online Playspace just for us! Because there are so many of us playing with ideas and new processes AND new possibilities for what we are becoming in our work and worlds, I wanted to be able to host an online space for us to connect as a community and support each other’s discovery, learning and growth. That’s where the Draw Forth Playspace comes in! This Facebook group is a fun, safe community to cultivate your creative muse! Play in here, share your work, collaborate with others, and broaden your skills to draw forth the best in yourself and others!
I see all of these things as a compliment to my existing coaching and consulting practice as a graphic facilitator. They all feed toward my end-goal: to draw forth the best in you and your team, so you can get busy putting those positive “dings” into the universe!
These are all also works in progress. After all, this journey isn’t a revolution that completely changes the way I operate as a business: it’s a revelation of what my work has always been about. I look forward to sharing this journey with you!
At this point, here’s my question for you:
What will you be drawing forth into the world this year? And when did you know you couldn’t NOT do it any more?
What will it look like for you to blossom into what you’ve always really been, but just hadn’t allowed to fully unfold? Draw up a picture of it, tweet it to me @jeannelking with the hashtag #myrevelation, and let’s inspire each other!
I cannot wait to see what you draw forth,

I got goosebumps reading this. You are walking in the right direction my friend! Keep it up!