When talking about self-care, or self-love, a lot of people talk about refilling the cup. You know what I mean… make sure you refill your cup so that you never deplete yourself in your giving… otherwise your cup runs out and you’re running on empty.
Well, I have to agree with Susan Kennedy and say PHOOEY to that one!
Giving from your cup sets you up to empty yourself over and over again… and isn’t that already the problem? We work so hard to constantly refill that cup because we’re so busy emptying it for others, and we never manage to keep that cup full. It’s like we’re trying to constantly refill a sieve.
What we need is a paradigm shift… like putting on your own air mask before assisting a child on an airplane. If you can’t breathe, how can you help others to do so?
So today, in honor of Madly In Love With Me day, don’t give from your cup. Let your cup always remain full and overflowing… and give from your saucer instead.
I cannot wait to see what you draw forth,