How to draw a Good Enough rubber duck

If you know me, then you probably know I enjoy obscure holidays. And today’s is a great one! Happy Bathtub Party Day! Created by the folks at, Bathtub Party Day is a day set aside for turning off your cell phone, finding some bath oil beads (or some awesome Bath Bombs from Lush… yummers!), getting together with a friend, and enjoying a bath! And of course, what better friend to have on hand for today than your trusty rubber duck?
What’s that? Can’t find your rubber duckie? Don’t worry, you can draw one up quicker than you can draw up a bath! Here’s how:

How to draw a Good Enough rubber duck of your very own!

How to draw a Good Enough rubber duck - tutorial image by Jeannel King

Three Tips:


  • As usual, I start with the head… then carry that line into the rest of the body. However, be sure to give your rubber duckie a nice full chest like in step three. You can see in that step that the curve of the chest comes out as far as the curve of the head. In step two, the chest curve falls short, and it looks a little “off”… at least, it does to my eye. I guess I like my rubber ducks with flotation-device chests!

  • The beak of a rubber duck points up at the front just a wee bit. To my eye, it’s one of the details that gives a rubber duck its “rubber duck-ness.” When you draw your own rubber ducks, play with the beak pointing up a little bit, and drawing a beak that comes straight out, and see which one you prefer!

  • Lastly, the eye of a rubber duck seems to express a lot of its personality. I think it’s because of the white of the eye showing… along with that bit of light that gets reflected back in the eye. To draw this, I start with a fairly good-sized outer circle, then draw two smaller, concentric circles inside of it. Then I color in the middle circle until that dot of reflected light feels like it’s the right size. Here’s a quickie drawing to illustrate what I’m talking about:
    How to draw an expressive rubber duck eye - tutorial image by Jeannel King
    And that’s it! You’ll have a rubber duck that even Ernie would want to sing about!
    What does YOUR rubber duckie look like? Draw yours up, Tweet it out to @jeannelking #goodenough, and have some good clean fun!
    Want to have fun drawing AND inspire others to pick up the pen at the same time?  Got something you wish you could draw, but you’re not sure how to approach it? Tweet your drawing or idea to @jeannelking and tag it with #goodenough: it could be featured in an upcoming “how to draw good enough” blog post!
    Looking forward to seeing what you draw forth!

    About Jeannel

    - INFJ - Strategic | Activator | Connectedness | Relator | Intellection - Scorpio - Cat Person - Movie Buff - Modern-Day Johnny Appleseed - Creative who Specializes in Organizational Culture Change - Painfully Aware of Her White Privilege

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