How To Visually Discover- And Articulate – Your Value Proposition

Do you know what people are actually buying from you?  Not the product or service part… that’s pretty straightforward: “I sell car insurance”… “I sell 60- or 90-minute massage sessions.” But there’s a difference between what you sell, and what people actually buy.  And what people actually buy is your value proposition.
If this confuses you… or even frustrates you, you’re not alone.  When the subject came up in one of my VizBiz Mastermind sessions recently, I got to thinking: there has to be some way to simplify the process for discovering what your target client is really buying when they pay you for a good or service.  What I came up with was this simple little exercise to walk you through thinking about that value proposition.
By the way, it’s a good idea to have completed an empathy map for your target market prior to completing this exercise… just so you’re already thinking from the perspective of that client or customer.
… and if you watch the video and try the process out, please let me know how it works for you!  I’d love to hear!

About Jeannel

- INFJ - Strategic | Activator | Connectedness | Relator | Intellection - Scorpio - Cat Person - Movie Buff - Modern-Day Johnny Appleseed - Creative who Specializes in Organizational Culture Change - Painfully Aware of Her White Privilege


  1. Hey Jeannel,

    Great reminders here. Yes, we all talk about target markets and value props, but very few biz owners really go deep enough.

    Reminds me of Toyota’s “5 Why’s process,” where they ask “Why?” 5 times to really drill down deep.

    Your visual approach makes the whole shebang richer, faster, and funner (hey, I can make up words ;-).


    1. Thanks, Sunni! Glad the video was valuable for you. :^)

      And you’re right…the 5 Whys are a GREAT process for drilling down deep into what’s really going on in a situation. Simple and straightforward. ;^)

      See you ’round the pool,

  2. Dear Jeannel,
    Thank you for this video – great fast way to clarity indeed !
    And – not least – I want to thank you for your “learn to draw fast” blogposts. The one about drawing people’sfaces just saved my life for my first GR session last week.

    Looking forward to read you book Draw Forth, as I am sure I will love it :-))

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