Hello there. It’s been a while, I know.
And a lot’s happened between my last post and today. Evolutions, really. Evolutions in career. Evolutions in position. Evolutions in skill sets and results. And evolutions in myself.
We’ll save all that for future posts, how ’bout that?
For now, I will simply give thanks to the hackers who took over my beloved, years-in-the-evolving website, and turned it into a phishing site for Japanese camera sales. (So random!) And I will give thanks to the professionals who were able to save my site by letting go of its old and unsupported appearance.
That was a hard one, let me tell you. My website was a big expression of my personality and being. Every font choice, every color choice, every drawing and blog post, was a little piece of myself that I got to share with you.
And it was all basically gone in a keystroke.
I’m not gonna lie. It was a real kick to the gut, there.
But it was also a blessing.
Because I’ve evolved, and my practice has evolved, I am no longer tied to the “old” version of me that lived in cyberspace for close to a decade.
Because I am freed from those old versions, I can experiment with letting in something new. Something more fitting. Something more…me.
I’ll share more about that journey as we go, but for now let’s leave things at hello. It’s been a while, I know. It’s so good to see you again, though. I look forward to continuing our conversation.
Hoping this finds you happy and well,