Draw Forth is close to being done, and I am so looking forward to sharing it with you soon! (Squee!)
Once the book goes live later this month, it will be time to celebrate. . . and of course you are invited to the party in San Diego! Save the date and see below for the invite information:
Be sure to RSVP on the EventBrite page so we know how many Twinkies to have on hand!
I cannot wait to see what you draw forth,

Wish I could be there. 🙂
Me too, PattieBelle!
I will be there in spirit & can’t wait to read the book!
Still hoping for signed copy somehow! ;(
I’m pretty sure that one will work itself out, Piotr! ;^)
Seeking, but not finding, a button for buying the book?!?!?
It’s not set up for pre-orders at this time, but if you’ve signed up for the book notices you will get an email as soon as it’s officially available on November 28th! :^D
The Amazon link is live, now! :^D Here it is for you: