Close to a decade ago, I made this stick puppet during an art therapy course. It was at a time when I was still a bit scared of what big things I was capable of, so I made myself into a superhero, complete with tulle cape, superhero mask, flame-colored feathers and a blazing root chakra to fuel my way forward. Every time I look at this puppet, it reminds me that there’s a bad-ass mama jamma just waiting to ignite and take to the skies. More than this, it reminds me that the purpose for my life – and the way I show up for my life – is my choice.
Of course, sometimes it’s easy to forget this.
So every once in a while, I’ll draw a picture of me as my best self to inspire and remind me of what I am capable of. What I can draw forth from myself and for this world.
Let me show you what I mean.
Past Visions of Future Selves
This first one is a drawing of my ideal life, drawing when I first started my graphic facilitation business back in 2009:
It’s me, fully actualized and aflame, standing strong and secure, shining love with a full heart and surrounded by the family and friends that share this love. I’m working, I’m traveling, and I’m singing my own song. Every time I look at this drawing, it reminds me that I am more than simply Good Enough: I am well-supported, well-loved, doing what I am meant to do with this life, and I am on FIRE! (It’s probably one of my most favorite drawings I’ve ever done.)
I drew this in 2012 while thinking about what I wanted to grow into over the next five years:
I am absolutely in LOVE with this 2017 woman! Hair blowing in the wind, standing fierce in her strength and skin, who doesn’t stand alone but is connected with her people and serving as a leader in her Tribe, a warrior who is unafraid to stand and is no stranger to being reborn. She is a KICK-ASS Warrior Love Princess and I admire her beyond measure.
Looking back at these two drawings, I’m fascinated by how my vision of my best self has changed over time. She keeps getting bigger and bolder, stronger and further-reaching. I wonder what she’s really like today? It may be time to draw a new picture of my best self through today’s eyes and experiences!
How about you?
Drawing Forth Your Future Self. . . Today
After all, this isn’t meant to be just MY journey. We are on this path together, drawing forth more of our best selves this year. . . so let’s support each other with the process!
Your challenge, should you choose to accept it:
[highlights color=”ffea00″]Take a moment and allow yourself to visualize your best self.[/highlights] What do you look like when you are really drawing forth the best in who you are? What does it look like?
Perhaps it’s an image of you on top of a mountain being more confident and adventurous. It might be an image of something completely different that represents you, like an animal that embodies part of who you are. Perhaps there is a word or quote that perfectly says how you are when you show up as your best self. . .maybe being more accepting or speaking up more. No matter what it is, draw it out now. . . . and let it be your visual motivation and guide to what you want to draw forth as we continue through this year.
Remember: it doesn’t matter how fancy or pretty or Pablo like Picasso your drawing is. All that matters is that YOU feel the power of that vision when you look at your drawing.
Draw. . . and inspire!
Once you have drawn your future best self, share your drawing with me on the Draw Forth Playspace (if you’re a member) or @jeannelking on Twitter[/highlights] with the hashtag #MyBestSelf (and #TodaysDoodle if you’d like to share it with a fun doodling community). When you share it, say a few words about what it means to you, and what excites you most about stepping into this future best self. (Because you KNOW I’d love to hear what you think! Plus, who knows what your drawing and story might inspire in others?)
I cannot WAIT to see what you draw forth!

I love that you quoted The Flash. I don’t see too many comic book characters getting quoted.
I am game for the challenge I draw Good Enough —– How about you? Can’t wait to find a few monents to draw my 2015 best self! #MYbestself