Is your December feeling a bit hectic and artificially bright? As though Funny Or Die‘s Amy Poehler and Billy Eichner were running straight for you like rabid reindeer hopped up on candy canes, sticking a microphone in your face and demanding that you complete the lyrics to random Christmas carols at the drop of Frosty’s magic hat? For a dollar?
Okay, it’s a metaphor (for many), but still! At the end of the year, why does it sometimes feel like we’re winding down and ramping up at the same time?
Oh, wait… it’s because we are! Winding up the year, getting ready for the next. Talking with our friends, trying to win a dollar… and not really doing justice to any in the process. We’re simply trying to be present to too many things at the same time.
But do we really want to be?
Do we really need to be?
The Alternative
This December, instead of trying to be in two states at once, why not create the experience you want! Want a gleeful holiday? Go for it! Want something more peaceful? Make it so! But here’s the secret – straight from Santa – for making it possible either way:
[highlights color=”ffea00″]Whatever you want, be fully present for it. Just like Tom Harris.[/highlights]
Who’s Tom Harris, you ask?
Why, Tom’s Dude Number Ten in the above video… and when Billy and Amy accost him on the streets of New York for an impromptu carol-fest, he grabs that reindeer of an opportunity by the antlers and RUNS with it!
Unlike many of the other Dudes and Dudettes in the video.
Because when you’re not fully present to the emerging opportunity , your divided attention can throw you off your game and you might lose out on something amazing.
I think the above Funny or Die video does a nice job of illustrating this point. Let’s break it down, shall we?
The Dude Abides
Which brings us to:
That dude abides!
So this year, be like Tom Harris. When opportunity runs up to you like Amy and Billy with a camera on the streets of New York, feel the delight, savor the moment, and dive right in!
(… and just for the record, Amy and Billy: I would have NAILED your challenge!) ;^)
How do you grab opportunity by the reindeer antlers? Share your thoughts in the comments below!