What’s your “Perfect Red?”

This was noted fashion editor (and one of my personal heroes,) Diana Vreeland.

The Color

Diana Vreeland was into red. A lot.
And not just ANY red. Vreeland was looking for “the” red. “Her” red. The “perfect” red.
I really get that. Practically on a cellular level. There are shades of red that are more orange, some which are more blue. When you find the color that’s right for you, it’s impossible to ignore and nearly impossible to find it again.
But once you know what it is, nothing else will ever do and you’ll accept no substitutes.

More than the Color

I think that Diana Vreeland was talking about more than just a color when she said that all her life she’s pursued the perfect red.
[blockquote source=”Diana Vreeland”]Red is the great clarifier – bright, cleansing, revealing. It makes all colors beautiful. I can’t imagine being bored with it – it would be like becoming tired of the person you love.[/blockquote]
I think she was really talking about the one THING. The thing that makes your heart sing when you see it, the thing that fills you with joy and purpose and passion and satisfaction when you experience it….even just a bit, even as just a pop of color.
All our lives, we pursue our “perfect reds.” Our perfect passions. Those things that make us shout out a resounding “YES” from the bottom of our hearts when we experience it and utter a passing “mmm, nah…” when it’s not quite the right hue.
Diana Vreeland loved the perfect red, and she loved her work. LOVED it! Working in fashion, I believe, was really part of her “perfect red.”
“Working with groups” is part of my perfect red. “Visual conversations” are part of my perfect red. Collaboration and co-creation and laughter are parts of my perfect red, too.
What’s in yours?
As always, I cannot wait to see what you draw forth!

About Jeannel

- INFJ - Strategic | Activator | Connectedness | Relator | Intellection - Scorpio - Cat Person - Movie Buff - Modern-Day Johnny Appleseed - Creative who Specializes in Organizational Culture Change - Painfully Aware of Her White Privilege

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