“I’m wearing my Big Girl Business Owner Panties today! Woot!”
My awesome business coach has heard me say this a lot lately. Hiring my first-ever employee, building a team, systemizing processes for others to implement, launching new products, releasing a book…it seems like every time I turn around, I’m sporting behavior that makes me feel like a “real” woman business owner! (Woot!)
So when I proclaimed yet again to to Coach Karie that I was wearing my Big Girl Business Owner Panties, she replied “you’re going to need to have a whole bunch of them because you’re wearing them so often nowadays!”
And that got me thinking.
Just what do my Big Girl Business Owner Panties look like?
Do I actually have a whole drawer-full of them?
And when do I tend to put them on?
So, for my own edification and general entertainment, and in no particular order, here’s what my Big Girl Business Owner Panties – or BGBOPs (bee-gee-bops) – look like!
1. The Superstar
This is the pair I’m used to wearing. Graphic recording and graphic facilitation are performance arts to a certain extent, and this pair goes on when I get to perform and deliver for my clients. Think of them as Madonna panties, only without the crazy cone-shaped bra.
However, as Coach Karie helped me realize, I’ve got more than just one pair of BGBOPs! Here are some of the others, and when I tend to wear them:
2. Ms. MoneyPants
Think of these as financial mastery BGBOPs. I sport these BGBOPs when I’m on top of my business finances game. Paying my taxes, monitoring cash flows, tracking profitability, budgeting ahead to implement plans for business growth…these are the sorts of activities that leave me feeling in financial control of my business.
3. The Ask Kicker
Sometimes it can be scary to ask for what we want and need as woman business owners. Asking for the sale. Asking for resources and help. Heck, even saying “no” to that project that may pay well but is a poor fit for me and my business. This pair of BGBOPs helps me find and own my voice for the asks that push me out of my comfort zone. (Thanks to Marliese Bartz for helping me recognize this pair!)
4. My GSDs
When I need to buckle down and get $&!% done, these are the pair for me! I put them on, sit down with my “to get done” list, and work with focused productivity for a good two-to-three hours. If I wear them any longer than that, they tend to lose their effectiveness, so I respect the power of the BGBOP and limit my intense productivity sessions so that they retain maximum effectiveness! (Total props go to Ellie Pope for showing me how to wear these consistently and well!)
5. The Boxer Brief
There are times as women business owners where we need to stand up and fight for what we need, want, and believe. Fight for the opportunity. Fight for a bigger piece of the pie. Fight to preserve our standards and the integrity of our business. The easy thing to do would be to roll over and play nice, to say “oh, that’s okay, I didn’t really want that anyway.” (You and I both know that’s a load of bullpucky!) When I need to take a stand for something worth fighting for in my business, these are the BGBOPs I sport.
6. The Galvanizer
These create great results by shaking up the paradigm. And while I’ve been perfectly comfortable sporting these BGBOPs on projects for my clients (it’s a core piece of my work, actually!), I’m recognizing the times when I wear these for my own business. When I draw forth a vision of what’s possible for my own business, and then excite folks into taking action to make that vision a reality, helping my business grow and evolve…well, that’s a true BGBOP moment! (Thanks to Rebecca Tall Brown for inspiring ME to grow and evolve!)
7. The Fancy Pants
Otherwise known as my “Ms. Marys,” these are the BGBOPs to wear when good things happen to us and our business, and we own those things instead of discounting or downplaying them. Just got published in a national magazine? Been asked to speak at a conference? (Or even better…being PAID to speak at a conference?) Going to a networking event or other meeting where you need to own your fabulosity? Slip these BGBOPs on and own the place! I mean, let’s face it: nothing gives a gal confidence like a fab-o pair of underwear under her suit! (Thanks to Mary Wenzel for reminding me of this pair!)
8. The Builder
I can build stuff for my clients ALL DAY LONG! But for my own business? That’s more of a challenge. (Shocker!) So nothing says Big Girl Business Owner to me like actually building a solution or offering for my own business. Having an idea for a book, then writing it. Turning that book into an online program. Documenting systems and automating processes to streamline my business. Plan for new phases of growth. When I’m turning “someday” ideas into tangible realities, these are the BGBOPs I wear! (Thanks to Christy Pavano for the inspiration to DIY…with a bit of pro help! ;^)
9. Cowgirl Up
Let’s be honest. Some days we don’t really feel like having to show up, do the work, uphold the law – heck, even lay down the law on occasion – in our businesses. Sometimes it feels like we’re the only one protecting our business from a fate worse than death. Sometimes our comfy couch or cozy covers sing a siren’s song that is pretty darn hard to resist. When you’ve got something you need to do and you just have to cowgirl up and get’er done, these are the BGBOPs to wear! (Thanks to Felena Hanson for setting that example!)
9.5 The Commando
This one only gets a half a point, because…well, because in this one there ARE no underwear! Sometimes as a business owner you have to embrace risk and jump in. And that can feel like we’re walking about with no clothes. I just recently did this when I decided to hire my first employee. Yes, I did the research…yes, I was prepared. But even with the prep work, actually hiring the person was scary! It was a big risk. And all I could do was face the fear, know the risk, and take the leap. Because not taking the leap was worse than hiring my employee. So sometimes, our best BGBOP is going without one! (Figuratively speaking, of course!)
Which BGBOPs are YOU wearing today?
As kids we may have worn Underoos with Wonder Woman on them to remind us of our awesome superpowers.
Today, as women business owners, we get to wear BGBOPs!
Our superpowers don’t need to come from a print on cotton, or stories about an amazon in an invisible jet…they come from ourselves. And that’s so much more satisfying!
So which pair of BGBOPs are you sporting today? They might be one of the above, or something new altogether! Please share your own BGBOP experiences in the comments below…I’d love to hear!
As always, I cannot wait to see what you draw forth!

Love it! I’m ASKING for an opportunity, not just waiting for it!
Yes! Go, Marliese! Those BGBOPs look great on you! ;^D
Great article. Today I’m wearing my Cowgirl Up BGBOPs. I really want to go back to bed and just close my eyes. But that’s not an option because I have a lot to do before our BIGGEST show so far. I am filled with excitement to do what I have to do, but a long nap would be nice and refreshing.
Go Lynda! Way to cowgirl up! :^D Woot!
(I was just on my way home from my biggest whiteboard animation video project so far, and was thinking about getting a pair of cowgirl boots to go with that pair of BGBOPs!)
I LOVE this! Hope I get to meet you some day, since we both are in San Diego. I am gonna share this all over the place!
Yes, Sherry! Let’s connect! :^D (And thanks for the kind words, too!) ;^D
I read and then reread your post to see if there were any other panties I could come up with — I think you covered it well. I have been in self-employed since the 70’s so I have gone through a lot of underwear. I think another pair would be the ones I had to wear when my husband got in a car accident which resulted in brain damage. I had to run his businesses for several years in addition to my own and raising a family – all at the same time. What would you call those panties? 🙂 Now I am getting close to retiring some of those panties but I will never, ever retire them all.
Thanks for the smile
Carol @ Battered Hope
Wow, Carol…thanks for sharing that with me! Your story speaks says so much about strength, resilience, and expanding capacity. But the strongest image I hold of you from your story is being that mountain/pillar of strength to so many. And that Pillar of Strength BGBOP’s got to have a super-expand-o waistband for when we need to hold everything (and then some!) ourselves, yet is supple and resilient enough to snap back to its original size with grace and ease. :^) Thank you so much for your post! <3
LOVE THIS! Thank you for the reminder for those of us who live this way each day to celebrate it and realize we can wear several pairs of chones in the same day.
Yay! You’re looking darn good in your BGBOPs, Susan! ;^) Celebrating right along with you!
Happy Spring Jeannel!
Saw this on LinkedIn and love it!!
Apparently I’m wearing 3!
-The GSDs
Hooray for keeping us aware of each stage and phase! Like EMyth for bold, brilliant, businesswomen!
Love your graphics dear friend!
Have a fabulous day!
Asia : )
“Like EMyth for bold, brilliant, businesswomen!” I LOVE it! :^D Thanks, Asia! Keep on rockin’ your BGBOPs! (Of course you are! ;^D)
Wonderful! Lovely and I’ll use some more of that usually take!